luckydaysbonus| Musk: SpaceX and its "Star Chain" project "basically do not use artificial intelligence"

Intro: [global Network reporter Zhang Xiaoya] according to US media reports such as Axios News, Musk, an American entrepreneur, was held in Lo...

[global Network reporter Zhang Xiaoya] according to US media reports such as Axios News, Musk, an American entrepreneur, was held in Los Angeles on the evening of 6th local time.LuckydaysbonusAt the Milken Institute Global Conference, his space exploration technology company (SpaceX) "basically does not use artificial intelligence (AI)."

luckydaysbonus| Musk: SpaceX and its "Star Chain" project "basically do not use artificial intelligence"

Musk believes that more than 99% of intelligence "eventually" will be "digital" rather than "biological", but the current version of the AI system cannot meet the needs of SpaceX, the report said.

"I'm going to ask it some questions about the Fermi paradox, rocket engine design, electrochemistry. So far, AI has performed badly on all these issues. So there is still a long way to go. " Musk said at the meeting.

He also said that even SpaceX's satellite Internet project StarLink, "does not use AI", "I do not object to using it." It's just that we haven't seen its use yet. "

"I do think it's very important that we build AI in a way that benefits humans." Musk also said, "AI should not be taught to lie, should not be taught to say things that are not true."
