playdeuceswildonline| Invesco Great Wall Energy Infrastructure Hybrid A(260112): Net value of 2.4770 yuan, yield of 18.01% in recent 6 months

Intro: Newsletter summary The net value of Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure mixed A Fund decreased by 0.Playdeuceswild...

Newsletter summary

The net value of Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure mixed A Fund decreased by 0.Playdeuceswildonline.24%PlaydeuceswildonlineThe yield in the past 6 months is 18.Playdeuceswildonline.01%, ranking in the top 51 of similar funds.

Text of news flash

On May 7, 2024, the latest net value of Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure mix A (260112) was 2.4770 yuan, down 0.24% from the previous trading day. The rate of return of the fund in the past month is 1.60%, ranking 3033 among similar funds (a total of 4093).PlaydeuceswildonlineThe rate of return in the past six months has reached 18.01%, ranking 51st among similar funds (a total of 3855), showing a strong profitability. The fund was established on October 20, 2009 and has a history of 14 years. As of March 31, 2024, the scale of Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure Hybrid A was 4.854 billion yuan, an increase of about 11.7% over the same period last year, indicating that the size of the fund is steadily expanding. Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure mix A mainly invests in high-quality listed companies in the energy and infrastructure industries, and strives to achieve long-term and stable investment returns through the selection of individual stocks and industry configuration. In the context of the current global economic recovery and energy transformation, the performance of the fund is to be expected. Looking to the future, Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure Hybrid A will continue to adhere to the concept of value investment, through in-depth research and accurate stock selection to create sustained and stable returns for investors. At the same time, fund managers will also pay close attention to market changes and adjust investment strategies in time to deal with uncertain market risks. It is worth noting that when choosing fund products, investors should make prudent decisions and invest rationally according to their own risk tolerance and investment objectives. The investment of the fund is risky, so we need to be cautious when entering the market. [Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure mixed A net value dropped 0.24% in recent 6 months to 18.01%] Fund Code: 260112 Fund Type: mixed Fund Manager: Zhang San / Li Sicheng date: October 20, 2009 latest net worth (2024-05-07): 2.4770 yuan near January yield:-1.60% near June yield: 18.01% similar ranking (nearly January): 3033 / 4093 similar ranking (nearly June): 51ax 3855 fund size (2024-03-31): 4.854 billion yuan fund manager: Jingshun Great Wall Fund Management Co., Ltd.

playdeuceswildonline| Invesco Great Wall Energy Infrastructure Hybrid A(260112): Net value of 2.4770 yuan, yield of 18.01% in recent 6 months

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