custompokerchips| The Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a warning letter to Guo Xiang: Meishang Ecology's 2017 financial report audit project visit was a formality

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Special topicCustompokerchips: * ST Meishang locked delisting! Guangfa Securities, a sponsor who was put on file by the CSRC, was punished.

custompokerchips| The Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a warning letter to Guo Xiang: Meishang Ecology's 2017 financial report audit project visit was a formality

On May 11, the website of the Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau released a decision on taking measures to issue a warning letter against Guo Xiang. After investigation, Guo Xiang had the following problems in the financial statement audit project of Meishang Ecological Landscape Co., Ltd. (Zhongtianyun (2018) character examination No. 90020): did not maintain reasonable doubt in the audit process, did not pay attention to the inconsistency between the bank statement and the bank confirmation letter. Did not further ask Meishang Ecology the reason why the audit verification fee was not deducted and evaluate the authenticity of the bank's confirmation letter.CustompokerchipsFailed to maintain effective control over correspondence, failed to find or effectively respond to high anomalies in enterprise inquiry letters, and project visits were a mere formality. As a signed certified public accountant of the Meishang ecological audit project, Guo Xiang violated Article 52 of the measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of listed companies (CSRC order No. 40). The Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to take administrative supervision measures to issue a warning letter against Guo Xiang, which was recorded in the integrity files of the securities and futures market.
