networkingbingo| The main contract price of manganese and silicon futures is approaching the previous long accumulation zone: it is currently reported at 8618 yuan/ton, a decrease of 2.51%

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[9:59 points Manganese silicon futures main contract fell 2networkingbingo.51% is currently quoted at 8618 yuan/ton] This morningnetworkingbingo9:59networkingbingo, the main contract price of manganese and silicon futures is operating below multiple short accumulation bands, approaching the previous long accumulation band, and is now reported at 8618 yuan/ton, a drop of 2.networkingbingo.51%。Market participants can refer to the "Database-Manganese Silicon Tracking Tool" or click to view the specific price range of the accumulation band. This price fluctuation may have an impact on secondary market investors and deserves close attention.

networkingbingo| The main contract price of manganese and silicon futures is approaching the previous long accumulation zone: it is currently reported at 8618 yuan/ton, a decrease of 2.51%
