pokergamecube| Is the main fund borrowing bad money to wash the market? Use retail panic to harvest

Intro: The gem index continues to risePokergamecubeTo arouse investors' concern about whether they can still buyPokergamecube? The A-share mar...

The gem index continues to risePokergamecubeTo arouse investors' concern about whether they can still buyPokergamecube? The A-share market is full of extreme pessimism and blindness. Losers often complain about the market and regulation, but do not reflect on themselves. Those who make money make money all the time, while those who lose money keep on internal friction. The key to investment is to believe in yourself and the market, and stable profit is the right way. For example, the announcement of negative results of the first Securities led to a sharp fall in share prices, but if you are optimistic about the market, it is not appropriate to cut the meat and sell. In fact, the main funds may take advantage of negative washing and take advantage of retail panic to harvest.

The A-share market is negative or falling most of the time, and the real rising time is only 5%. Impatience or selling whenever there is a change means that you miss the real opportunity to rise. The common practice of harvesting retail investors in the market is to cause panic by suppressing stock prices by being bearish, causing many retail investors to cut meat. For example, last Monday, Nvidia's share price fell, causing AI shares such as Zhongji Xuchuang (300308) and Industrial USI (601138) to open sharply lower, but then quickly stopped falling and reversed and rose to a new breakthrough. Reviewing the views after the Spring Festival this year, we are mainly optimistic about AI performance stocks, people's livelihood monopoly state-owned enterprises and the market, but do not rely on the rise and fall of the market. Investment is money to earn time, and you need to wait patiently for performance and valuation to grow. Today's market rally, in addition to the end of April bearish dissipated, it is reported that the future important meeting may have good news about the real estate industry. In short, the market rotates in health, investors should stick to the good direction and avoid blindly chasing the rise and fall.

pokergamecube| Is the main fund borrowing bad money to wash the market? Use retail panic to harvest

The stock name gem refers to the plate name brokerage concept keywords soar, performance announcement, bearish bullish (bullish) brokerage at the bottom, encounter a negative performance expectations on the cut? There's no hurry! Get on the bus and get on the bus quickly and the writer's risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.