baccarat| US says it has reason to assess that the Israeli army uses US weapons "in a way inconsistent with international law"

Intro: Newsletter summary According to CNN, the Biden administration said on May 10 local time that the United States "has reas...

Newsletter summary

According to CNN, the Biden administration said on May 10 local time that the United States "has reason to assess" Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip to be inconsistent with international humanitarian law.BaccaratThe use of American weapons, but the United States did not formally say that Israel had violatedBaccarat...

Text of news flash

According to CNN, the Biden administration said on May 10 local time that the United States "has reason to assess" the use of US weapons by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip "in a manner inconsistent with international humanitarian law", but the United States has not formally stated that Israel has violated international humanitarian law. A report drafted by the US State Department said that the United States was investigating potential violations by Israel, but "there is no complete information to verify" whether US weapons have been used by Israel for "suspected violations of international humanitarian law." The report criticizes the casualties caused by Israeli military operations, and the findings mark "another grim moment in U.S.-Israeli relations." Earlier, Biden said that if Israel continues to launch a large-scale offensive against Rafah, he will restrict the supply of weapons to Israel.

baccarat| US says it has reason to assess that the Israeli army uses US weapons "in a way inconsistent with international law"

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