50freespinsbookofdeadonregistrationnodeposit| Hyde Shares: It plans to transfer 49% equity of Detai Energy Storage for RMB 92.0087 million

Intro: CSC Intelligent Financial Information Hyde Co., Ltd. (000567) announcement on the evening of May 1350freespinsbookofdeadonregistration...

50freespinsbookofdeadonregistrationnodeposit| Hyde Shares: It plans to transfer 49% equity of Detai Energy Storage for RMB 92.0087 million

CSC Intelligent Financial Information Hyde Co., Ltd. (000567) announcement on the evening of May 1350freespinsbookofdeadonregistrationnodepositTo fully focus on the main business of distressed asset management50freespinsbookofdeadonregistrationnodepositTo further optimize the business structure and achieve asset income through resource integration, the company signed an equity transfer agreement with Yongtai Energy Group Co., Ltd. the company intends to transfer 49% of Beijing Detai Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.

According to the announcement, Detai Energy was jointly funded by the company and Yongtai Energy on September 21, 2022. Yongtai Energy holds a 51% stake in Detai Energy and is its controlling shareholder, and the company holds a 49% stake in Detai Energy. This transaction refers to the asset evaluation results issued by the asset appraisal institution, and through consultation between the two parties, it is determined that the 49% equity transfer price of Detai Energy Reserve is 9200.50freespinsbookofdeadonregistrationnodeposit.870 million yuan.

The company said that this transaction meets the needs of the company's business development, helps to optimize the company's asset structure, focus on the main business of distressed asset management, and improve the company's core competitiveness and operational efficiency.
