crazyfoxunlimitedspins| Huichuan Technology: Accepted research from Dongfanghong Fund and other institutions

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Huichuan Technology (SZ300124, latest price: 61crazyfoxunlimitedspins.53 yuan) announced that from April 24 to May 10, 2024, Huichuan Technology accepted research from Dongfanghong Fund and other institutions. Song Junen, the company's director, vice president, and secretary of the board of directors, Wang Xingran, director of investor relations, and Zhang Jianming, manager of investor relations, participated in the reception and answeredcrazyfoxunlimitedspinsQuestions raised by research institutions were raised.

From January to December 2023, Huichuan Technology's operating income is composed of: industrial automation accounted for 67.38%, and new energy accounted for 32.62%.

(Article source: Daily Economic News)

crazyfoxunlimitedspins| Huichuan Technology: Accepted research from Dongfanghong Fund and other institutions
