gauntlet1985videogame| Tianzhun Technology: Tianzhun Technology provides edge computing controllers to Zhongke Huituo's unmanned mining vehicles

Intro: Some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platformgauntlet1985videogame: Zhongke Huituo's main unmanned mine cargauntle...

Some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platformgauntlet1985videogame: Zhongke Huituo's main unmanned mine cargauntlet1985videogame, and have a fight with Huawei. What is the main purpose of cooperation between Zhongke Huituo and the company?

Tianzhun Technology (688003gauntlet1985videogame.SH) stated on the investor interaction platform on May 14 that Tianzhun Technology provided edge computing controllers to Zhongke Huituo's unmanned mining vehicles and carried out in-depth cooperation in the fields of autonomous driving and AI computing hardware in smart mines.

gauntlet1985videogame| Tianzhun Technology: Tianzhun Technology provides edge computing controllers to Zhongke Huituo's unmanned mining vehicles

(Article source: Daily Economic News)
