playtoearnnftgames2021| The main basis of staple fiber 44 PTA continued in May

Intro: [staple fiber]onePlaytoearnnftgames2021. Spot: 1.4D direct spinning East China market mainstream price of 7360 yuan / ton (- 15).two。 B...

[staple fiber]

onePlaytoearnnftgames2021. Spot: 1.4D direct spinning East China market mainstream price of 7360 yuan / ton (- 15).

two。 Basis difference: PF main force base difference 44 (+ 1).

3. Summary: from the cost side of the US gasoline cracking price spread to the PTA processing fee long periodPlaytoearnnftgames2021Lead look at the first half of this year, the main push back more PTA processing fees, but 09 contract has been a certain encashment, and supply and demand and cost side of the short-term lead in PTA processing fees also have callback pressure, but the callback is once again the opportunity to do long PTA processing fees, re-entry of multi-TA09 empty PX09 time point may be in mid-late May.


1. Spot: CCF inner plate 5770 yuan / ton cash self-withdrawal (+ 25); Jiangsu and Zhejiang market spot quotation 5800-5825 yuan / ton cash self-withdrawal.

playtoearnnftgames2021| The main basis of staple fiber 44 PTA continued in May

two。 Basis difference: inner PTA spot-05 basis difference-7 yuan / ton (+ 1)

3. Inventory: social inventory of 4.417 million tons (+ 28.8)

4. Cost: PX (CFR Taiwan): us $1012 / ton (+ 26)

5. Load: 72% (+ 10.2)

6. Plant changes: after May 1st, PTA plant overhaul was concentrated, Jiaxing Petrochemical, Hengli Dalian, Honggang Petrochemical, Weilian Chemical, Hengli Huizhou PTA plant overhauled, individual device load was slightly adjusted, and the load of PTA plant was reduced to 69.1% on Thursday. At present, a 2.5 million-ton PTA unit in South China has been restored, and the load has been increased to 72%.

7.PTA processing fee: 345 yuan / ton (+ 4)

8. Summary: downstream polyester load increased, inventory demand increased, PTA inventory pressure alleviated, but still in the seasonal high to suppress prices. The base gap has narrowed somewhat. Next, the maintenance of PTA devices is gradually increasing, and attention is paid to the extent of subsequent de-storage.
