spinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodeposit| China Infrastructure Association issued the "Guidelines for the Operation of Private Equity Investment Funds"

Intro: Newsletter summary China Foundation Association issued "guidelines for the Operation of Private Securities Investment fu...

Newsletter summary

China Foundation Association issued "guidelines for the Operation of Private Securities Investment funds" Securities Times e Company News, on April 30, the China Foundation Association officially released the "guidelines for the Operation of Private Securities Investment funds." There are 42 operational guidelines, covering private equity funds.SpinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodepositThe fund-raising, investment, operation and other links are highlighted.Spinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodeposit.Spinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodeposit..

spinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodeposit| China Infrastructure Association issued the "Guidelines for the Operation of Private Equity Investment Funds"

Text of news flash

China Foundation Association issued "guidelines for the Operation of Private Securities Investment funds" Securities Times e Company News, on April 30, the China Foundation Association officially released the "guidelines for the Operation of Private Securities Investment funds." There are 42 operational guidelines, covering private equity funds.SpinthewheeltowinrealmoneynodepositThe fund-raising, investment, operation and other links, highlight the problem-oriented, risk-oriented, and scientifically set the requirements of differentiation norms. First, strengthen the fund-raising requirements, clarify the initial raising and survival scale of private equity funds, strengthen the appropriateness requirements of investors, clear early warning stop line arrangements, and so on. The second is to standardize investment operation, clarify the requirements for consistency of investment strategies, emphasize portfolio investment, prohibit multi-layer nesting, standardize bond investment, over-the-counter derivatives trading and procedural trading, establish and improve internal control systems, and strengthen liquidity management. clear information disclosure requirements. Third, emphasize the responsibility of entrusted management, prohibit the preservation of capital and income in a disguised form, make it clear that channel business must not be carried out, avoid regulatory requirements through over-the-counter derivatives and asset management products, standardize the calculation and payment of performance remuneration, and ensure fair treatment of investors. The fourth is to establish the concept of long-term investment and value investment, standardize the display of past performance of the fund, guide investors to pay attention to long-term performance, and strengthen the management of short-term investment behavior. Fifth, set the transition period reasonably. For the stock of private equity funds to set differential rectification requirements, some rectification requirements for a certain transition period to avoid adverse impact on the normal operation of the fund.
