web3ingaming| Today's 63-share daily limit is mainly concentrated in power equipment, chemical and other industries

Intro: News summary [Today's 63-share daily limit is mainly concentrated in power equipment, chemical and other industries] Sec...

News summary

[Today's 63-share daily limit is mainly concentrated in power equipment, chemical and other industries] Securities Times Newsweb3ingamingChoice statistics show that on May 9, among the tradable A shares in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, there were 4151 rising stocks, 845 falling stocks, and 97 flat stocks. Excluding new shares listed on the same day, a total of 63web3ingaming.web3ingaming..

Newsletter text

[Today's 63-share trading limit is mainly concentrated in power equipment, chemical and other industries] Securities Times News, Choice statistics show that on May 9, among the tradable A shares in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, there were 4151 rising stocks and 845 falling stocks., 97 flat stocks. Excluding new shares listed on the same day, a total of 63 stocks fell daily and 52 stocks fell daily. In terms of the industries to which they belong, stocks with daily trading limits are mainly concentrated in industries such as power equipment, chemicals, pharmaceutical biology, machinery and equipment, and real estate. proofreadingweb3ingaming: Zhu Tianting

web3ingaming| Today's 63-share daily limit is mainly concentrated in power equipment, chemical and other industries
