bestnewblockchaingames| The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the Biden administration is preparing to announce new tariffs on key strategic industries such as electric vehicles as soon as next week

Intro: Newsletter summary [the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds that the Biden administration is preparing to announce new...

Newsletter summary

[the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds that the Biden administration is preparing to announce new tariffs on China on key strategic industries such as electric vehicles as soon as next week] Securities Times e Company, May 10, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian held a regular press conference. A reporter asked: the Biden administration is prepared to announce a target as soon as next week.Bestnewblockchaingames...

bestnewblockchaingames| The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the Biden administration is preparing to announce new tariffs on key strategic industries such as electric vehicles as soon as next week

Text of news flash

[the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds that the Biden administration is preparing to announce new tariffs on China on key strategic industries such as electric vehicles as soon as next week] Securities Times e Company, May 10, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian held a regular press conference. A reporter asked: the Biden administration is prepared to announce new tariffs on China on key strategic industries such as electric vehicles as soon as next week. Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have any comment on this? A: please ask the competent department for details. The last US administration imposed a 301 tariff on China and seriously interfered with normal economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States, and has been ruled by the WTO to violate WTO rules. Instead of correcting its erroneous practices, the US side continues to politicize economic and trade issues, abusing the so-called 301 tariff review procedure and further increasing tariffs, which is even more wrong.Bestnewblockchaingames! We urge the US side to earnestly abide by the rules of the WTO and abolish all tariffs imposed on China, let alone increase them. China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its own rights and interests.

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